Terms and Conditions
ALex is a web-based directory of Partners1 that Clients2 may contact for legal services. ALex (the "Platform") collectively refers to this website and other software needed in order to provide our Services. All references to “we,” “us,” and “our” refer to ALex. All references to “you” and “your” refer to any Guest3, as well as Registered Users4 of ALex. This Terms and Conditions ("T&C") apply to all Registered Users of the platform.
Please read this T&C carefully, making sure to read and understand fully the terms and conditions of using the Platform, before proceeding to use the Platform. If after reviewing T&C carefully, you do not wish to be bound by them, please do not proceed with your registration, and exit from the Platform. In addition to this T&C, please review our Privacy Policy, which describes our practices related to collection and use of your information to provide the Service. This T&C apply to our Privacy Policy as well. By proceeding with the registration, you agree to be bound by this T&C as well as our Privacy Policy.
This T&C may be subject to change from time to time. The updated version will be published immediately upon finalization of such change without prior notice. It shall be understood that the revised version will be effective from the moment it is posted unless stated otherwise. By accessing or continuing to access the Platform after the revision, you agree to be bound by the revised T&C. If you have any questions about this T&C, the Privacy Policy, or the Platform, you may reach us at info@alexlegal.ph
By becoming a Guest or Registered User of ALex, you agree to be bound by this T&C. In confirming your acceptance to this T&C, you do so of your own free will, without undue influence or coercion from any party. You registered with ALex unprompted by any self-laudatory words or advertising from ALex or its Partners.
Overview of the Service
The Service provides access to lawyer profiles of our Partners based on the Client's given search parameters. Clients can transact with our Partners by scheduling an appointment with any of the Partners through the website.
Age of Participation
Our Platform may not be used by anyone under the age of 18 without direct supervision of, and with the express permission and participation of, a parent or legal guardian. It is the responsibility of the Registered User to ensure that no person makes use of the Platform who is not authorized by you and legally permitted to participate.
Acceptable Use Policy
You agree to refrain from using the Platform in any manner that is illegal, or facilitates illegal activity, or violates any law or regulation, or in any manner harm the functionality and continued existence of the Platform, as well as potentially cause injury to others. In communicating with Clients or Partners, you will refrain from conduct that is defamatory, obscene, indecent, harmful, deceptive, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, sexually explicit or pornographic, discriminatory, violent, hateful, or otherwise objectionable.
Consent to Logging of Usage Information
ALex shall be entitled to collect, compile, analyze, and otherwise use data in the ways embodied in our Privacy Policy. You consent to our Platform creating a data-log of your usage and the transactions you engage with us. To the extent you invite others to participate with you in the use of our services, you confirm to us, on their behalf, that they agree to participate and to be recorded as such. The record of your usage will be electronically stored by us, and may also be stored and viewed by other parties according to our Privacy Policy, your permissions, or applicable law.
Confidentiality of Information
ALex fully respects the privacy of all our Clients, as well as that of our Partners. In using our platform, the Client understands and agrees that we may have access to information relating to the Client’s legal concern coursed through the Platform insofar as necessary to render our services. All information shared by either Clients or Partners will be governed by our Privacy Policy.
The Platform and all of ALex’s or its Partners performance obligations are provided as they are and without warranty of any kind. ALex does not warrant:
- that the Platform or its performance will meet your requirements, whatever they may be;
- that the Partner's services will meet Client requirements, whatever they may be;
- that the Platform will provide anything not so stated in this T&C.
ALex is not responsible for and will not be involved in transactions between Clients and Partners beyond the scope of our Services. ALex takes no responsibility for the quality and quantity of any transactions that occur outside or inside the Platform. By agreeing to this T&C you acknowledge that ALex is not responsible for any frauds, representations, or any other illicit actions of Partners and/or Clients in any such transaction.
ALex will not assume responsibility for the accuracy of any information or communication exchanged or shared between Partner and Client during Sessions5. Both parties must take all the necessary steps to ensure the veracity of information received during the course of communications. Any use of this Platform by third parties, or the use of the Partner account by any person other than the Partner is prohibited.
You acknowledge that your use of the Platform is not meant to replace the fiduciary relationship with your trusted lawyer. You waive all claims against the Platform, ALex, and its owners and affiliates for any damages stemming from or based on your use or inability to use the Platform or any activity to which it is linked.
Intellectual Property
You agree to respect the Intellectual Property of the Platform, including all other proprietary rights with regard to the Platform itself. You shall not use, copy, reproduce, or publish in whole or any part thereof without our prior written consent.
If any provision of this T&C is determined to be invalid, that provision will be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that this T&C will otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable.
Suspension of Access and Termination of Account
In all cases, ALex will inform users of the suspension or termination of their account as well as the causes thereof, unless such is forbidden by any authority or applicable law, or when delay of notice is believed to be necessary to prevent some harm to the Platform, the Registered Users, or any other person. If you wish to dispute the suspension or termination of your account, after having been duly notified thereof, you may email us at info@alexlegal.ph.
Suspension refers to the temporary denial of any access or use of our Services under the following grounds:
- Pursuant to a lawful order to do so by any governmental authority.
- If ALex reasonably and in good faith believes that this T&C have been violated in any manner.
Termination refers to the removal of the account registered with ALex under the following grounds.
- Pursuant to a lawful order to do so by any governmental authority.
- Three or more violations of any of this T&C, notwithstanding that subsequent violations were of different version of the current T&C.
Third Party Sites
ALex does not endorse the promotions, products, or services of any third parties. We do not warrant or validate the information of any third party advertisements, promotions, communications or other materials. We do not assume any responsibility or liability for the accuracy of information contained in this Platform or any third party websites.
Use of Data
You agree to allow ALex to make use of data, in the manner and means laid out in our Privacy Policy in accordance with applicable laws. You consent to the use of your data in ways meant to aid in both developing the Platform. If you have not reviewed our Privacy Policy, please do so.
Verified Use Only
You may not lend or allow the use of your account to another person, with or without your consent. ALex may contact you by SMS, mail or email to verify your ALex Account information. Failure to verify your account or allowing a third party to use your account will be considered a violation of this T&C and may subject the account to Suspension or Termination by ALex. For Partners, this may involve requesting documentation to verify your status as a duly registered member of the Bar. Failure to verify your account or allowing a third party to use your account will be considered a violation of this T&C and subject the account to Suspension or Termination by ALex.
- Partner/s refers to lawyers, law firms, and law registered under a Partner account in order to have their lawyer profiles hosted on our Platform.↩
- Client/s refers to individuals registered under a client account in order to use our Platform to consult with a Partner.↩
- Guest refers to any non-registered user who uses the Platform↩
- Registered Users refers to those who have created accounts with ALex. Registered Users may either be Clients or Partners.↩
- Session refers to audio-video calls and text or chat messaging conducted between Clients and Partners.↩